About Attempted Love

Attempted Love.  The purpose of life in two words? 

“In quoting others, we cite ourselves.”

– Julio Cortázar

I started this blog on August 27, 2013.  I began with third party content from others:  mostly quotations and music videos related to the universal human topic of love.  Early in 2014, I started adding original content.

Attempted Love defines life.  Where else is it so obvious that the destination is the same as the journey.  Why should the attempt ever end?

Will Hard, Publisher



3 Responses to About Attempted Love

  1. Ganesh says:

    Lovely and inspiring blog! Thanks for following “Known is a drop, Unknown is an Ocean”. 🙂

  2. Alex Noble says:

    I love your blog! I went looking for one of my quotes this morning, and found that you had used it,so ended up here! Want to visit often. I write on Cowbird, and you might want to check it out: http://www.cowbird.com Here is the link to my post today using my quote you posted, with an update which I think adds something: http://cowbird.com/story/81254/RIVER_OF_SOULS/

    Thanks for a truly inspiring collection. Now, YOU write!!! Blessings, Alex Noble

    Email: cowbird@mindspring.com

    • Attempted Love says:

      Thanks for the kind words and especially the encouragement to write. My vague plan is to follow one of my favorite quotes for awhile longer: “Plagiarism is the mother of creativity.” Ironic that I can find no source for this quote…

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